All photos are sorted by the time they were shot. If you were at 11:00am yours is first. If you were at 1:00pm, yours is last.
And if you can, when posting to social media please tag myself (Scarmack Productions) and Another Chance Animal Rescue as it truly helps with exposure.
Steps to download
(Do NOT click 'download all' at the top, as you will download everyone's photos, I unfortunately cannot remove that option)
On a computer
Find your photo, click on your photo
Click on download
Choose Full resolution if you want the highest quality image, or choose social media for a smaller file for Facebook, etc.
From an iPhone
Find your photo, click on your photo
After clicking full resolution or social media
Click view instead of download
The image will then pull up and you click and hold (long press) on the image a popup will show, click “save to photos” so it downloads straight to your phone.